Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Assignment 1 (revised) For Beginners

Taking into consideration that the author of this reading may be a firm believer in the evolutionary theory of creation as opposed the religious theory, I kept an open mind about the reading. However convincing his science may be to him, it seems there is a lot of assumption in this work. To me science shares a lot with the idea of faith, the substance of things hopeful, and evidence of things unseen. Air, something we know is there, but until magnified we can't see it. And even then we can't be completely sure of what we are looking at. In the case of words, his argument was correct in saying that words invoke responses automatically. However I feel that he was playing on a much simpler mind. The world is filled with stuff to purposely distract us from what is going on or what’s really true. When I think of terrorism, I don’t think of Islamic or Muslim people. I think of the act of imposing terror on anyone. Maybe that’s because of the military training I received in the navy, or maybe it's because I am an African American. I've seen and am well aware of the injustices suffer by my ancestors at the hands of America. Why couldn't that happen anywhere at any time? If you believe that everything can be explained of has an answer, then you’re not very bright in my opinion. However if you believe that all things don’t have an answer, then you share something in common with religious people. I agree with his brainwashed theory. Whether we want to believe it or not we are all brain washed. The challenge lies in undo what we are lead to believe is true from a young age. Challenge ideas and formulate your own opinion. This reading seemed as if it were trying to persuade me. I’ve always been one to challenge authority of the validity of what someone is telling me. My father always allowed me to challenge him as long as I had my “stuff together”. This is an idea I have taken forward and incorporated in my daily life.

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