Sunday, December 2, 2012

Film Bamboozeld

Bamboozled was probably the most influential movie I’ve seen in a long time. It reminded me of what is continuously happening today. At first I didn’t want to respond to this film because of my anger. However it is important for me to respond. Everything about that film is true today. The overall theme to me was “dance for the white man”. What we consider progress, as a race, has been very short of Martin Luther King’s I Have a Dream speech. What I felt spike lee was trying to do was make use aware that we are still being used by White people, the scene where they showed the athletes on the wall is explaining my point. Looked at my “niggers” excuse my language. Look at my pawns, and this is still very evident today, success is defined by the different races differently. To an African American who grew up in poverty a multimillion dollar contract could be viewed as successful, but to a white man a new talented black man on the team could be considered success. Although this is specific to sports, this can be applied to any aspect of life. The idea is still dance nigger dance. Play ball, sell units, make me money and I will love you. A personal example is me at my job. Im very aware that I fill a quota at my job. There are two black people and we both understand that we are here in a specific job and when were up were praised, and when were down were hounded on. We understand that the idea that we aren’t where we think we are today as a race is very real. With do the right thing spike lee was trying to address that we as a race weren’t were we are supposed to be, and with bamboozled he was fed up. I am fed up, and that is why it was very difficult for me to respond to this paper.

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